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Wildlife Information - Rescue and First Aid

Here you will find useful information on different species of native animals, and what to do if you come across one who needs help. The most important thing to remember when you come across an injured or orphaned animal is to be aware of danger. An animal in pain or scared will always try to defend itself against you, who they see as a predator. This is usually how people get hurt - the animal bites, scratches or kicks and can injure you and themselves more. Also be aware of danger from the environment - cars, other animals, heights, water, etc. Below the links we have a list of items which comprise a small emergency rescue kit. It is recommended you keep the vital items with you when travelling. 

Animals respond best to these three lifelines when safely contained - a WARM environment, in a DARK place, with QUIET surrounds. 


A basic rescue kit which can be left in the car should include these vital items:

- A secure cage (such as a cat carrier) lined with soft material like shade cloth, with a towel in the bottom. 

- A towel for catching the animal. 

- A blanket to cover the animal or cage. 

- A hot water bottle or microwaveable heat pack for warmth (ensure you check these regularly as they can actually take away the body heat of an animal if let go cold). 

- A torch.

- A pair of thick gloves. 

- A notepad and pen to write down all details of rescue as it happens, so the carer will know the story and what to do next. 

- A small first aid kit and a bottle of water for yourself. 

This is a very basic list of items for a simple rescue of small animals. For large animals or animals that are entangled or badly injured, call us to assist you. Don't attempt to rescue an animal if you are not capable. Your welfare must come before the animal in hard rescue situations.


For all enquiries please phone 0432 605 309. This is a 24/7 phone line.

© Warrumbungle Wildlife Rescue & Rehabilitation Inc. ABN 85 727 580 509.

Website updated April 2021

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