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Finding and Assisting Injured Wildlife


The number one thing is to please remove dead animals from roads.  Some kangaroos and wombats are quite large and can cause further accidents.

Check whether the animal is a female, and if so please check her pouch for pouch young.  If the joey is small and furrless, do not pull it off the teat as this will cause pain and damage to it's mouth.  You may need to take both mum and joey with you to a vet or wildlife carer if the joey is still attached to the teat.

If the joey is off the teat these tiny souls need to be kept warm as they cannot retain their body temperature.  Wrap it up very snug covering it's body, head included.  Try to use your own body heat to keep it warm and get it to a carer or vet ASAP as these tiny joeys need urgent specialist attention.

With furred joeys, never pull them out of the pouch by their hind legs or tail.  Scoop them out by placing your hands down behind their back and gently draw them towards the pouch opening.  Wrap them securely in any soft, warm item you have and get them to a carer or vet ASAP. 

DO NOT ATTEMPT TO FEED THEM!  I cannot stress this enough.  Please make sure domestic pets are kept away from the joey whilst in your care.  No loud music or handling by children or other people.  Keep them in a quiet dark area if possible and keep them warm.  A warm bottle filled with hot water from a tap (NOT BOILING WATER) to about 2cm thick on it's side wrapped in a towel and put next to the joey will help keep it warm.  Do not put the joey on top of the water bottle as overheating may occur.  Again, please get the animal to a carer or vet as they deteriorate rapidly from shock, undiagnosed injuries, dehydration etc.

Large injured kangaroos and wombats can be extremely dangerous when approached.  If you are inexperienced DO NOT APPROACH THEM!  Instead, call a wildlife group in your area or the police. 

Use common sense and stay safe.  Stay a distance away from the animal so it does not feel threatened and monitor it and it's movements, if any, until help arrives.  Direct traffic if need be, but do not approach it causing it to further injure itself and cause more pain. 


For all enquiries please phone 0432 605 309. This is a 24/7 phone line.

© Warrumbungle Wildlife Rescue & Rehabilitation Inc. ABN 85 727 580 509.

Website updated April 2021

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